Thursday, 26 March 2020

Corona Virus (COVID-19) - Stay safe at Home

I'm a real stay-at-home mom. I'm really hands-on. Everything else became secondary. Drew Barrymore
I'm a real stay-at-home mom. I'm really hands-on. Everything else became secondary.
- Drew Barrymore

Hello friends! 

Successful 1 week stay at home. How are you? I hope you all safe. Last week was so crazy because my husband started work from home with his regular busy meeting calls and my kid has online school who eats my time from 7 am to 2 pm. I literally didn't have time to cook breakfast and lunch. This week I tried to work out things at my best. As a mom without planner it never worked specially for me. I created one simple planner for locked down activities. 

Download Instructions:

 To download the planner, find the designs you like below, click on image below to bring up the high resolution image, and right click “save” to save the full size image to print.



Walking doesn't mean that walk in the park. Take a small walk for 1 hour just on your front yard and backyard. Allow kids to do cycling or biking around your house.

Gardening work

Gardening is the best way to keep you and your family busy both mentally and physically. We are at the end of winter, hope its right time to start gardening works at indoors or outdoors. In case you garden still snow covered, this is not so early to start sow the seeds. Earth day is nearing try to do some gardening work with kids, teach kids how to grow from seeds to plants. Ask them to track plants growth everyday. Even you lives in apartment home dont give up the gardening plan try to work with kitchen gardening.

Family Games

Play at least an hour with your family before bedtime. Board games are a great way for families to connect and could be a great fun. This allows you to bond with your children and spend quality time with them.


Give a new life to your hobby. So many stuffs we learnt on past years but not doing on present, open the boxes from garage and start working. My interest always crafting, currently I am obsessed with crocheting. It might be hard to sit and concentrate after ages, but now I have plans to make some home decor using crocheting.

Dollar Tree

Be Positive Person

Sharing positivity in this perplexing time. Approach everything with positive approach. Its hard but show positive energy with family so that everyone at family stays strong, don't make them to feel prison-ed or bored. In the past 10 days, I got clear idea what my kid learning at school, how I should channel his energy towards positive side. I got idea how much stress my husband overcome from his work, this helps me to understand how to I support him for work life balance. Life is all about learning, taken this locked down times as opportunity for many micro things abut my family.

Try to eat breakfast and dinners together. Be positive person and spread positivity.

 Stay safe 👍


  1. Yes we need to spread positivity around even with our kids. I am encouraging my son to do his own creative work in arts and crafts. I am also helping to get food and basic essentials to the poor and needy here in India, as we are in a lockdown state and many people do not have work or food here.

  2. hopefully everyone stay safe at their home, wearing mask, and be strong to get through the outbreak! @ Knycx Journeying

  3. If only I have a garden, I already planted lots of veggies. So sad, I live in this small apartment trying to do the best I can to keep me sane. :) Stay safe and healthy!

  4. I am really liking this stay at home time. I am able to devote more time to my hobbies like games and sports and some passion for writing.

  5. I am introvert but workaholic. I love staying at home which I could never do earlier. Right now I am having a great time.

  6. THese are great tips. I used to walk around my neighborhood but now everyone is doing it so we had to stop. No matter what, we all need to remain positive!

  7. Inspiration does strike at any moment! I love the idea of having a notebook for inspirations you can use to jot down something.

  8. All we have to do now is really listen to the government. Stay at home. Build your immunity and stay healthy!

  9. Thanks for awesome schedule template and great tips! I can't wait to start my garden this weekend!
